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Семеновский полк in Петербург

In Подросток, Глава первая (VIII) by Dostoyevski I read: Но тут все жили вместе, в одном деревянном флигеле, в переулке, в Семеновском полку. The context: we are in Saint Petersburg. How should I ...
Bruno's user avatar
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The word "чайный" as a substantive

In Детство Люверс by Boris Pasternak I read: Ходили на блоках двери чайных If I am not wrong, here "чайный" is a субстантивированное прилагательное. I could not find in any dictionary the ...
Bruno's user avatar
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Is it becoming the norm for Russians to handwrite in block letters in informal situations?

Is it more common to see block letters nowadays, especially on the internet? For example, I've linked to a Twitter artist who (among many others) seems to handwrite in block letters in their comics. I ...
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Meaning and usage of the Russian proverbs that seemingly discourage proactiveness [closed]

The Russian language abounds in wise proverbs, but I am very much confused by some of them, specifically by those that appear to discourage proactiveness. I am at a loss as to how such a good thing as ...
Mitsuko's user avatar
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How to ask someone to be less polite and not use white lies?

Note: Please let me know if this question is off-topic, so it can be closed or deleted. I am afraid that it either focuses too much on Russian culture, or alternatively is asking for a translation. ...
Chill2Macht's user avatar
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Ruble & Currency delimiters

On many a website from Russia and Belarus I can see prices on products displayed as: 212,00 p. I've added a screen shot as well. Is the price 212 rubles or is it a shortening or a delimiter of ...
user13107's user avatar
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Предложить деловую колбасу - should be served on business occasions to show respect?

Sometimes they say "offer salt & bread" to present as welcome; there is also деловая колбаса - business sausage? - what do they mean exactly and can you say "предложить деловую колбасу" analog to "...
J. Doe's user avatar
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Does anyone understand the sense (смысл) of this Soviet-era poster?

I forgot how I found this poster on the internet, but it looked strange so I thought I would translate it so it would make sense: However, it seems even more bizarre and non-sensical after ...
Chill2Macht's user avatar
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Насколько архаично слово "магнитофон"? Что сегодня используется наиболее часто вместо него?

Мой задачник часто использует слова "слушать магнитофон". Насколько архаично слово "магнитофон"? Что сегодня чаще употребляется? "МР3-плеер"? "иПод"? "сотовый"? (как слово и как технология) Я не ...
Chill2Macht's user avatar
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How to avoid seeming overly familiar when writing letters to a friend?

Admittedly this might just be a problem with the course material I was looking at, but I was reading some letters between two friends (emphasis mine), Анна and Иван, because apparently Иван was ...
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Настоящий поток газа

Я работаю с многими русскими клиентами. У нас тут в США привычка отличать в сообщениях ACFM (actual cubic feet per minute, фактические кубические футы в минуту) от SCFM (standard cubic feet per ...
JohnS's user avatar
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Солнце с газировкой?

Я читал одну книгу, повесть про лётчиков времён войны... И там, в этой повести, один из наших пилотов всегда уходил в сторону солнца после атаки, поэтому его никто не мог сбить. Он потом садился на ...
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