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2 answers

Is разговор in fact раз + говорить because a conversation is like a repeated/iterative/continuous act of speaking?

Take the three chunks of text below: One time. Speak. A conversation. They can be translated as Один раз. Говорить. Разговор. So I can't help but notice that pазговор- looks and sounds like a ...
Enlico's user avatar
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2 answers

How to reply to пожалуйста (you're welcome)

If I'm not mistaken, "пожалуйста" means both "please" and "you're welcome" in Russian. But how do I reply if someone says "You're welcome" to me in Russian? I'...
user87626's user avatar
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2 answers

Difference between "это" and "этот"

Are these two words interchangeable or is there a difference? My online dictionary says that "это" and "этот" both mean "this". I'm a bit confused.
user87626's user avatar
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Would someone have an Excel list of at least 20’000 most frequent Russian lemmas with part of speech based on a large and modern corpus?

For non-commercial purposes (personal research), I have researched the resources freely available on Internet and have found lists that did not contain lemmas with part of speech or were based upon ...
Xavier's user avatar
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1 answer

A word that exist in Russia that mean "rehiability politically", how do you write it?

A word that I came across from this video. Just wounder how it is pronounced (because she say a long sentence) and primarely how it is spelled.
Salviati's user avatar
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1 answer

Meaning of "втрескался" [closed]

I am having problems with the word "втрескался", the context being - Сказ о том как Ванька дурачок втрескался в распрекрасную заморскую принцессу с грустными очами, и как полез ее спасать.
K2SO4's user avatar
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5 answers

When and why did Asian and Southern people start to be called "чурки"?

Wiktionary gives eight different meanings as well as the etymological origin of the word "чурка": Meanings 1-4 are various small pieces of wood or metal, Meaning 5 is a simpleton or ...
Mitsuko's user avatar
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2 answers

How should I understand the word "повем" in the line "кому повем печаль мою"?

This is a quotation from Chekhov's story "Тоска"(See I have googled but couldn't find ...
Syzygy Yuan's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

"Published computer scientist" in Russian? [closed]

How to say in Russian "published computer scientist"?
porton's user avatar
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2 answers

Implementation of the word "вот" in different places

вот means behold But, вот офис means here is office So why вот is having different meanings in different places?
Sonevol's user avatar
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Pronunciation of "о" [duplicate]

Can someone explain the correct pronunciation of "o"? (I know it may vary but maybe there's some rule of thumb that I can take advantage of). Take just the word мост for example, it seems that "o" is ...
Trey's user avatar
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What's the difference between доброе, добрый and доброй? [closed]

Also, is there a difference between "спокойной ночи" and "доброй ночи"?
Trey's user avatar
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What are other possible materials for дурилка? [closed]

Most common usage I have seen for the angling utility дурилка, it is referenced to be made of cardboard which possible would attract fish after getting wet, maybe similar to bread crumbs; but are ...
J. Doe's user avatar
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