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18 votes

Why is лицо in the prepositional case, and why does свой not match its case?

You're reading the Bible in the Synodal translation (1813—1876) which uses archaic language full of Church Slavonic words and forms. Лице is an archaic form of лицо, it is in the Accusative case which ...
Yellow Sky's user avatar
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16 votes

Is there a reason why "чёрт" and "сосе́д" don't decline for nominative plural according to standard Russian spelling rules?

Сосед and чёрт are the only nouns in modern Russian that retained the old Russian nominative plural form, so in a sense they are the only "correct" nouns with the historical -о stem. All others use ...
Quassnoi's user avatar
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15 votes

How to indicate "photograph by"

It very much depends on where you want to put that phrase: If it's a signature on the photo, just the name (in the nominative case) is enough: A ...
Sergey Slepov's user avatar
14 votes

Why does "в субботу?" end in "-y"? Is it accusative?

In Russian, when we answer the question "когда?", we use different prepositions and nouns. The choice of case depends on the noun. If we use nouns such as момент, секунда, минута, час, день ...
V.V.'s user avatar
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14 votes

When is "это" declined?

Это is not declined when it means "this is". Or, for that matter, "these are"; you'd still say это книги "these/they are books", because эти книги would be an incomplete statement strictly meaning "...
Nikolay Ershov's user avatar
13 votes

Plural for indeclinable nouns

You just leave it as is. Like 'deer' in English - "One deer", "many deer", etc. У неё уже есть три пальто - зачем ей ещё одно? Он может делать два сальто подряд. На столе лежат ...
AR.'s user avatar
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12 votes

Genitive of радио

Many loanwords don't decline in Russian, mostly those that don't intuitively fit into one of the existing paradigms (no regular Russian neuter noun ends in -о preceded by a vowel), and to see why, it'...
Nikolay Ershov's user avatar
10 votes

Тайна рождения китов, овец и медведей

Словообразование - штука нерегулярная. То, что есть белеть, чернеть, синеть и зеленеть, не значит, что есть фиолетоветь. Просто: родился китенок, ежонок и т.д. Овцы, как правильно уже заметили, ...
Sergey Slepov's user avatar
10 votes

Wuhan: masculine, feminine, or either?

Most sources I could find consider Ухань (sic) a masculine word: от Уханя, к Уханю etc.: БРЭ БСЭ Географическая энциклопедия , but there are some that consider it feminine: Словарь собственных имён ...
Quassnoi's user avatar
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9 votes

Why does the first person singular future of победить not exist?

This particular problem affects most of the verbs in which [д] of the stem alternates with [жд] in their imperfective infinitive and past tense forms. These belong to a group of verbs called defective ...
Баян Купи-ка's user avatar
8 votes

«И беспечной птицей» - why instrumental?

It is instrumental case indeed. One of the functions of instrumental in Russian is conveying sense of similarity. Usually it can be replaced with an analytical construct with как ("like"): ...
Quassnoi's user avatar
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8 votes

«И беспечной птицей» - why instrumental?

"И беспечной птицей" is indeed in an instrumental case - it answers the question "Улетаешь кем?" - птицей. To better understand why it is so, think of this phrase as of something with hidden verb ...
shabunc's user avatar
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8 votes

Двадцать один хорош(?) год - declension after number 21

All the numerals ending in 1, exept for those that end in 11 (11, 111, 711, 1011, etc.), need the following noun in the Nominatve case singular. If there is also an attribute adjective, it agrees with ...
Yellow Sky's user avatar
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8 votes

Usage of declined numbers

In your particular example, 250,000 would be nominative to begin with. To take an example where you'd actually need instrumental, though — say, "a suitcase with 250,000 euros in it": чемодан с ...
Nikolay Ershov's user avatar
8 votes

Как склоняется слово "Нод(а)"

Вариативность по роду - довольно распространенное явление, особенно среди заимствованных слов: компонент/компонента, метод/метода, вольер/вольера и др. Какой бы род вы ни выбрали, старайтесь ...
Sergey Slepov's user avatar
8 votes

Why does "в субботу?" end in "-y"? Is it accusative?

In languages that have prepositions and cases, like Russian, each preposition in each of its meanings needs a particular case of the noun phrase that follows it. As for the preposition в when used to ...
Yellow Sky's user avatar
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7 votes

Are names for organizations indeclinable or not?

First of all, "Я заинтересован в + Prepositional case" ("в культуре" is actually Prepositional, not Dative) is a business term, that is, you are interested in something because you will get profit ...
Yellow Sky's user avatar
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7 votes

Genitive of радио

The words like радио, патио, метро, меню, кофе etc are indeclinable. The rules (in Russian): external link.
Dmitry's user avatar
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Which form of год is года here in “1341 года”?

Апрельским утром 1341 года would be spelt as Апрельским утром тысяча триста сорок первого года. Утро (morning) here is The morning is specified to be in April (with the adjective in the same ...
NuncTorUs's user avatar
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7 votes

What case is "новых фото"?

The phrase “новых фото” is in the genitive case plural. The whole sentence Он добавил 10 новых фото is grammatically correct, it is exactly how that should be said in Russian. But the sentence is ...
Yellow Sky's user avatar
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6 votes

Why does the word "мужчина" decline like a feminine noun?

It doesn't decline like a feminine noun. It declines like a noun of the first declension, which includes both masculine and feminine nouns ending in -а or -я. Examples of first declension masculine ...
Dima's user avatar
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Почему у групповых топонимов в родительном падеже обычно нулевое окончание (Мальдив, Альп, Курил)?

Old Russian used endings -ъ, -ь for nouns with historical -o stem in gen. pl.: изъ Варягъ въ Грѣкы, изъ Грѣкъ по Днепру, святыхъ отецъ etc. This means the modern zero-ending in words like татар, армян,...
Quassnoi's user avatar
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6 votes

Genitive ending: why тихий - тихого when хороший - хорошего?

Let's consider the group of adjectives with the stress on the stem ending with г, к, х, and ж, ш, ч, щ. The adjectives with a stem ending in letters к, г, х, ж, ш, ч, щ have the masculine singular ...
V.V.'s user avatar
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6 votes

Why is the declension of the verb is for feminine singular?

While Russian does hesitate between singular and plural with such collective nouns as ряд, большинство, меньшинство, часть, or множество, the word группа doesn't have the quasi-numeral, for lack of a ...
Nikolay Ershov's user avatar
6 votes

Case and number of words in a label (as opposed to words in a sentence)

It's (c). "Жилых строений:" is a label and "1" is the exact quantity. Yes, genitive plural is normally used for the noun. However, the numeral is in the nominative, agreeing with the noun in gender ...
Sergey Slepov's user avatar
6 votes

Why does the noun слепой decline like an adjective?

There are some adjectives that have become nouns as a result of dropping the nominal part of the noun phrase. These adjectives have the semantic meaning of the noun phrase and retain the gender of the ...
V.V.'s user avatar
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6 votes

Syntax of "полного сил"

You're generally correct. "Полный" usually means "overweight" but can also mean "full of". So "Полный сил" = "Full of energy", just used in genitive in the song.
Diana's user avatar
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"Как Ваш дела" vs "Как Ваши дела"

We use Ваши because it is for the plural дела. The whole phrase is in the Nominative case, just like, for example, мои друзья (мои друзья здесь), твои книги (твои книги интересные), Ваши столы (Ваши ...
Enguroo's user avatar
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6 votes

What word and case is `одною` in the phrase "помещалась одною лестницей ниже"?

Whenever you're looking for the declension of a specific word, start with Wiktionary and switch to the Russian-language section. In the majority of cases, there'll be a table with declensions. "...
shabunc's user avatar
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