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14 votes

"Индустрия выдержала удар пандемией" - why instrumental here?

In this very case it is rather problematic to tell if it is a mistake or an intended pun. The Instrumental case names an instrument, and удар пандемией alludes to удар плетью or удар кулаком and ...
Yellow Sky's user avatar
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11 votes

How is "огурец" used here?

1 This is one of adjectival constructions in Russian to denote likeness in terms of measures. размером с горошину as small as a pea ростом с мизинец as short as a pinkie весом с пудовую гирю ...
Баян Купи-ка's user avatar
8 votes

Is the instrumental case used for comparatives?

The Russian instrumental is by far the most versatile case. The classic work by Czech linguist Roman Mrazek, titled Синтаксис русского творительного ("The syntax of Russian instrumental"), ...
Quassnoi's user avatar
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6 votes

Preposition "под" (under, implying movement). Why instrumental and not accusative?

Is there a possibility that accusative denotes movement until the place and staying there and instumental passing through under the place and walking away afterwards? No. Instrumental is used not ...
Баян Купи-ка's user avatar
6 votes

Почему глагол "управлять" непереходный?

The verb управлять is oblique transitive (косвенно-переходный). That means that it can take a direct object, but the object is put in a case other than the accusative. The direct object of this verb ...
Quassnoi's user avatar
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6 votes

What does есть горячим mean?

Горячее, as a noun, refers to a particular dish — usually a meat dish. Я люблю есть горячее. (meaning "I like eating hot meat dishes") Принесли горячее – жаркое со свининой. And for the ...
V.V.'s user avatar
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5 votes

Which cases are used with быть

The negative statements are off. Я не был студентом - Instrumental just like in the positive statement. Я не студент - Nominative just like in the positive statement. Genitive negative is only ...
Баян Купи-ка's user avatar
5 votes

Use of instrumental case in a sentence

This seems to be an example of the so called Temporal case which in Russian either coincides with Instrumental or is expressed through Instrumental. In Russian nouns denoting most generic periods of ...
Баян Купи-ка's user avatar
5 votes

Relative locations with compass points

For "x kilometers to the north of Y" all three options are fine (note that I've corrected them a bit): Углич находится в двухстах километрах к северу от Москвы Углич находится двумястами ...
Alissa's user avatar
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Почему глагол "управлять" непереходный?

Почему глагол "управлять" непереходный? С точки зрения формальной классификации глаголов -- потому что он не требует дополнения в винительном падеже без предлога. А вот почему он требует ...
Igor G's user avatar
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Instrumental singular declension ба́ня: -ей, why could it also be -ею?

Those are stylistic variations of the same ending which exist for first declension nouns (баней/банею), third declension feminine nouns (вещью/вещию) and feminine adjectives (полной/полною). The ones ...
Quassnoi's user avatar
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4 votes

Почему глагол "управлять" непереходный?

Ваши рассуждения не лишены смысла. По-видимому, в 18-м веке оба варианта были допустимы. Винительный: Московскую губернию управлять и доносить Сенату Василью Ершову. Петр I. Указ об учреждении ...
il--ya's user avatar
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(A changing?) difference between nominative and instrumental case usage in predicates with быть

If you can read Russian, I would recommend the article Некоторые особенности согласования в русском языке by Dmitri Shmelyov. Unfortunately, I only have it in print, but the compilation of author's ...
Quassnoi's user avatar
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3 votes

Use of instrumental with был/быть, e.g. "Ты был забавным."

What can be added to the answers in the past topics referenced by Sergey Slepov in the comments, is that at least in your example, usage of adjective in nominal or instrumental affects semantics of ...
Баян Купи-ка's user avatar
3 votes

Use of instrumental with был/быть, e.g. "Ты был забавным."

The noun and adjective functioning as the nominal part of a compound predicate can be in the nominative or in the instrumental case. Typically, the nominative here [where the linking verb быть is ...
Alex_ander's user avatar
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3 votes

Use of instrumental and nominative cases with "быть" and "стать"

You can use both the nominative and the instrumental with adjective predicates with быть, стать, оказаться. The difference between the two is stylistic: the nominative is a little bit more vernacular, ...
Quassnoi's user avatar
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2 votes

Is the instrumental case used for comparatives?

Even though there's already a good answer, I'd like to add that this use of instrumental case in Russian can be compared to the use of "by" in English. A mile closer > closer by a mile ...
Curiosity's user avatar
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Instrumental singular declension ба́ня: -ей, why could it also be -ею?

"When is it appropriate to say банею instead of баней?" You'd better not. We usually use -ой, and -eй. And not only with nouns, ending with -а, -я, ( мама -— мамой, дядя — дядей) but also ...
V.V.'s user avatar
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2 votes

Use of instrumental case in a sentence

I would translate it: Russian culture was created over the centuries If you translate it literally, it would be: Russian culture was created by centuries so "centuries" (века) is in ...
Ivan Olshansky's user avatar
2 votes

Instrumental of manner in Russian?

Yes it can, this function of Instrumental is characteristic of both languages. In Russian говорить нежным голосом
Баян Купи-ка's user avatar
2 votes

How is "огурец" used here?

"Небольшой" is perceived as slightly bigger than "маленький", but not yet so big as "big". Think "medium or just a tad bigger". And "коротышка", being the quasi-race name, would be better translated ...
yury10578's user avatar
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Which cases are used with быть

In the construction X was/were/will be somebody/something somebody/something should be in the Instrumental case irrespective of whether it is affirmative or negative: Я был студентом — Я не был ...
Yellow Sky's user avatar
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2 votes

What does есть горячим mean?

The phrase я люблю есть горячим means "I like eating while my body temperature is high" (literally, "I like eating while I'm hot"). Note that in Russian, unlike English, the phrase ...
Quassnoi's user avatar
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1 vote

Этот день был долгим, но погода была хорошая!

It was a long day I would translate as это был долгий день. Этот день был долгим is also grammatically correct but it would be a translation of English that day was long. As for your hypothesis: ...
farfareast's user avatar
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Relative locations with compass points

Углич находится на двухстах километрах к северу от Москвы - "Углич находится в двухстах километрах к северу от Москвы" This would probably be the most common colloquial use case. There may be an ...
Alexander's user avatar
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1 vote

Relative locations with compass points

1) To "X kilometers to the north/west/east/south of Y".. 1a) ..the (arguably) most used equivalent would be "в X [in prepositive] километрах к северу/западу/востоку/югу от Y [in genitive]", or the ...
yury10578's user avatar
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