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8 votes

Why is Ukrainian name "Володимир" translitterated to "Volodymyr" instead of "Volodimir"?

Ukrainian и is etymologically (and phonetically) equivalent to Russian ы. This sound (and not the character) is traditionally romanised as y. The [i] sound is (surprise) the letter i in Ukrainian. (...
Zeus's user avatar
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Why is Ukrainian name "Володимир" translitterated to "Volodymyr" instead of "Volodimir"?

The Latin letter "y" is often pronounced like Russian "й" in English (for instance, in words like "yes", "yet", "prayer"), but in this case the ...
Anixx's user avatar
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Instrumental of manner in Russian?

Yes it can, this function of Instrumental is characteristic of both languages. In Russian говорить нежным голосом
Баян Купи-ка's user avatar

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