How would you translate privacy
into Russian?
May I have some privacy?
I care about my privacy.
I think we have a case of a concept not really present in the Russian linguistic world image. One can speculate if the privacy has not really been valued until recently, but that's beyond the point.
AFIK, there is no good translation. Lately, I have been encountering the word приватность
, but I don't think it is standard.
If you have to translate it, you have to reword it taking the context into account. For example, you might translate Can you give us some privacy?
as Не могли бы вы оставить нас одних?
Or you might translate I value my privacy.
as Я не люблю когда лезут в мои дела.
I would guess:
One of the best matches is word покой, although "оставьте меня в покое" means rather 'leave me alone' than 'can I have some privаcy'. The examples suggested for translation would become:
Не могли бы Вы оставить меня в покое?
Мне небезразличен мой покой.
In the sphere of IT the direct imporation of this word is also used:
Приватность в интернете
Настройки приватности
Additionally, you should read this article:
How would you translate privacy into Russian?
"Приватность". The IT sphere is the first in line of borrowing of words from another languages.
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