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Vitaly's user avatar
  • Member for 9 years, 11 months
  • Last seen more than a month ago
16 votes

What Russian letter is this?

11 votes

What is the difference between the letters Е and Э?

10 votes

Why do Russian speakers call Vladimir Putin "Vladimir Vladimirovich"?

10 votes

Разница между "вокзал" и "станция"?

10 votes

"Радио" or "ра́дио"

9 votes

How do you translate "Compliments of" into Russian?

9 votes

How non-native Russian language course will approach to deciphering the phrase "Косил косой косой косой"?

9 votes

How to remember the differences between all of the "-гляд-" verbs?

8 votes

What is accurate rendering of the expression "invalid at computed-value time"?

8 votes

Alternate shapes of cyrillic letters?

8 votes

Будь: был бычу буду

8 votes

How to parse and interpret "Ну и досталось же ему от моей сестры!"?

7 votes

What is the function/meaning of "Так, < Name >"?

7 votes

How do I say "API (application programming interface)" in Russian?

7 votes

Why "Домарощинер" is translated as as Hausbotcher?

6 votes

Why do some nouns take the genitive case instead of the accusative?

6 votes

"Going to" translation for inanimate things

6 votes

How to say "I want to enjoy" in a correct way?

6 votes

Is there a Russian expression used when both sides know they are lying?

6 votes

Why "нравишься мне", not "нравию тебя"

5 votes

Через неделю - why "in two weeks time"?

5 votes

Can someone explain "ой мой скотч"?

5 votes

"Они живут у меня дома" and "Они живут в мой дом"?

5 votes

Difference between двигается and движется

5 votes

Why do you say <Я пошёл> when should be present tense

4 votes

"Plan B" in Russian

4 votes

case of pronoun changes adverb to/from predicative

4 votes

"Услышать" or "послышать"?

4 votes

Почему нельзя написать "неатлет"

3 votes

Translation of "Кир, сир"