I am glad to see some new profiles here )
My question regards the terminology for translated Buddhist texts and terms therein into Russian. The tradition goes back as long as to the early 1900s and I've noticed a strange fact.
While modern Russian tesaurus offers an abundance of nouns and adjectives deriving from Sanskrit, Pali, Chinese and Tibetan, there are absolutely no verbs with the same root or any Oriental root.
E.g. one can say Будда, бодхисаттва, архат, дэв / дэви, дакини (and even дакиня), асур / асура, дак-па, тулку, гуру, терма, тертон, чод, ушниша, пурба, капала, дигуг, мантра, дзен, да-дзен, коан, син, у-вэй и т.д., but not *упайять, *увэйствовать, *мантровать, *дигугнуть, *чоднить/*чодовать, *шаматхить и так далее.
Instead, the loanwords for verbs covering this terminology derive from the Occidental languages or Russian: наставлять, быть спокойным, концентрироваться, отсекать, проводить ритуал чод, медитировать, просветляться, рецитировать, etc.
Can anybody give any example of a Russian loanword that is a verb deriving from Sanskrit, Pali, Mongolian, Chinese and/or Tibetan?