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Questions tagged [slavic]

Everything related to the Russian language in the context of its relations with other Slavic languages.

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Why the distinction between animate/inanimate appears in masculine accusative but only in feminine plural?

What is the reason in terms of the history of the language and is there the exact same difference in other Slavic or non-Slavic languages ?
Xavier's user avatar
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Can we call forms like "Зин", "Дим", "мам", "пап" vocative case?

Why Russian is usually said to have only six cases, while most Slavic languages have seven? The missing one - the vocative (звательный падеж) - is however clearly present, at least in the colloquial ...
Roger V.'s user avatar
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Modern letters in Church Slavonic

This Unicode technical note explains that "The modern letter я does not exist in Church Slavonic". Would it therefore be appropriate to write поклонимсѧ (worship) instead of поклонимся? As I'm not ...
PhilR's user avatar
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5 answers

How come the Russian cognate for the Czech word "čerstvý" (fresh) means entirely the opposite thing (stale)?

In Russian, черствый хлеб (chorstvy khleb) is stale bread. And to my great surprise, I recently learned that in Czech, čerstvý chléb is precisely the opposite thing: fresh bread. My question is: ...
Mitsuko's user avatar
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Why are the dotted i (І/і) and yi (Ї/ї) from Ukrainian not present in Russian?

I've noticed the absence of the dotted i (І/і) as well as yi (Ї/ї) in the Russian Cyrillic alphabet. Why are these two letters not shared when they're vowels that are fundamental in Ukrainian?
aitía's user avatar
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Why do stress patterns often match between cognates in Russian and Ukrainian?

I sometimes find myself looking up Russian words on wiktionary and following the etymology of the word upstream to find what words it is related to, as you do. I think I've noticed a peculiar thing: ...
Einheri's user avatar
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What is the proper отчество for Cтанислау?

I recently met someone named Станислау, and couldn't figure out what his children's отчество would be. I know that for Станислав it is obviously Станиславович, but "Станислауович" sounds awkward to me....
JosephG's user avatar
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Rendering of names in East Slavic languages

I've noticed that when rendering the name of a person from one East Slavic language to another, it's usually changed to the native spelling of the target language. For example, the name "Vladimir ...
Einheri's user avatar
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4 answers

What are the actual linguistic similarities between Russian and Belarusian?

I lived in Belarus for some time, and my wife is from there. We spoke only Russian while in the country, but most signs, public transportation announcements ("next stop", etc.) and documents were in ...
galois's user avatar
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к/ц becoming к/ч in Russian: chronology and reasons? Чередование к/ц и его переход в к/ч в русском: хронология и причины?

Читаем Иванова, "Историческая грамматика русского языка": "...в древнерусском языке противопоставление [ц'] и [ч'] на стыке корневой и флективной морфем могло иметь такой характер, что при помощи ...
Manjusri's user avatar
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Etymology of хорваты / Этимология слова "хорваты"

What is the possible origin of this word? Can it be related to "сарматы"? Каково возможное происхождение этого слова? Может ли оно быть связано со словом "сарматы"?
Manjusri's user avatar
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Этимология слова «аист» / etymology of “аист” (stork)

Считается, что в русском языке нет исконных слов, начинающихся на букву «А». Как объяснить этимологию слова «аист», явно отличающуюся от лексем в родственных языках? бел. бусел укр. лелека русин. ...
Manjusri's user avatar
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7 answers

Was "сладкий" ever synonymous with "пресный" in Russian

Fresh (non-salt) water is also called sweet in English. Surprisingly, the word sweet is also used in some Slavic languages. To be precise: in Polish, woda słodka in Czech, sladká voda in Croatian (...
shabunc's user avatar
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13 answers

Is the Ukrainian language understandable for the average Russian native speaker?

The Ukrainian language is very similar to the Russian, but is it understandable for the average Russian native speaker, let's say, in Moscow? Ukrainians understand Russian, but this is mostly because ...
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