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What is the meaning of "мамонт" (translated "mammoth") when used in the context of phishing?

I saw some text in Russian recently which talked about phishing attacks. It described one as designed for "mammoths" (мамонтов). I am interested to learn more about this term. I can guess it ...
VLAZ's user avatar
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How to translate "measurand" in one word into Russian?

I'm looking for a single word translation of the metrological term "measurand" (the physical quantity intended to be measured) into Russian. "Измеряемая величина" is two words and ...
andselisk's user avatar
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What does "дл. тонны" mean?

From Russian Wikipedia on the Fletcher-Class Destroyers, it says, Двигательная установка компоновочно повторяла тип «Гливз» — была высокотемпературной установкой среднего (43 Атм.) давления, которая ...
DrZ214's user avatar
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Before 1957, what word or phrase was used for satellites (natural and artificial)?

In 1957, Sputnik was launched. The word "sputnik" can be used for satellites in Russian or English. Before 1957, was "sputnik" used that way? Did Russians have a different word or ...
DrZ214's user avatar
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Русский перевод для "Ventricular run"

Этот вопрос больше к кардиологам, чем к лингвистам. Я очень прошу воздержаться от предположений и флуда. Я программист и имею отношение к разработке кардиологического софта. Недавно заметил странный ...
Paul's user avatar
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How can we name different deployment environments in Russian?

During a software development process, software is usually deployed on different environments, which also have different names and roles, depending on the team and development process: Development ...
Euphrasius von der Hummelwiese's user avatar
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"Скорость", "ускорениe", "рывок" - what's next?

As we all know, acceleration is the derivative of velocity, and if we want to introduce how fast acceleration is changing, thus, introducing a second derivative of velocity — this is actually called ...
shabunc's user avatar
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Join infinite distributive (mathematical)

Math term join infinite distributive in Russian? Also "meet infinite distributive"?
porton's user avatar
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What's the relation between у.е. to USD?

I noticed that in Russian, when one wants to sell something in USD he writes instead in Cyrillic letters: у.е. for example: 120.000 у.е. What's the relation between the letters у.е. to USD?
Influx's user avatar
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Difference in usage between “здание,” “сооружение” & “постройка”

I it my understanding that all of these mean a building, as in “man-made structure.” However, I have been told that сооружение and постройка are rather technical. What do they really mean? How are ...
MrVocabulary's user avatar
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What's the correct way to describe in Russian a beam-ceilinged room?

What's the correct way to describe in Russian a beam-ceilinged room, that is, a room with wooden beams in its ceiling?
brilliant's user avatar
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How do I say "API (application programming interface)" in Russian?

How do I say "API (application programming interface)" in Russian? Is there maybe some acronym (aside from АПИ) that makes it easy to read in translation from English to Russian?
Igor Konyaev's user avatar
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Is this formal logic explanation of the difference between "что-нибудь" and "что-то"? [closed]

In formal logic, there is the notion of a distinction between "free variables" and "bounded variables". I found this distinction difficult to understand, until I thought of it this way: free ...
Chill2Macht's user avatar
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"Public address system" in Russian

How do they refer in Russian to a public address system in the department store? I looked up some possible terms in a dictionary and found these two: "система оповещения" and "трансляция", but I am ...
brilliant's user avatar
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В чём разница между "оценка" и "оценивание"?

В электроэнергетике есть термин, в употреблении которого никак не удаётся прийти к консенсусу: часть энергетиков говорит "оценка состояния", часть - "оценивание состояния". Есть ли какая-то разница с ...
Serge Shevchuk's user avatar
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"Published computer scientist" in Russian? [closed]

How to say in Russian "published computer scientist"?
porton's user avatar
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What are the rules of the locative case?

I understood the first time I heard about the locative that it was usually reserved for monosyllabic masculine nouns (ex. чай, дом, сок) with exceptions (кровь, дверь). However, I recently saw that на ...
Judicaël's user avatar
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Очередь на Серова (=выставку Серова): A specific type of metonymy?

I'm wondering, if anybody knows, what is this type called and if there are theoretical studies and/or monographies about contexts, in which these forms could be particulary used (проходим Пушкина (=...
ACKA's user avatar
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Translating linguistic terminology into Russian

I want to translate some applied linguistic (and others uncommon) words from Italian to Russian which I didn't find on Internet: Pragmatic annotation Elicited from this phrase "We have chosen to ...
Giovanni Nunziante's user avatar
11 votes
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Often 2 variants of feminine instrumental...?

maybe my title needs some work... but I use Wiktionary a lot for declensions, etc and I often see two forms for feminine instrumental adjectives, but my textbook only ever uses, typically, the 'first' ...
nate's user avatar
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What is the difference between "кафедра" and "факультет"?

It seems both words can translate to "department", "college", or "school", and each of those English words refers to some division of a higher educational institution. How does one distinguish the ...
Corellian's user avatar
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What is the Russian word for "blending stump" (artist's tool)?

There is a tool used by artists called blending stump (in English) or tortillon (in French). But I cannot find the word for it in Russian. This is how they (tools) look like:
LRDPRDX's user avatar
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How to say "cognitive shift" in Russian?

It’s a wide used term and has its own article in wiki: Cognitive shift. In Russian, I failed to find something better than this awkward "изменения в осознании".
oluckyman's user avatar
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Как можно перевести "imageware" на русский? [closed]

Есть похожие слова, это hardware и software. Как перевести их достаточно очевидно, но imageware?
Michael's user avatar
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Why do Russian speakers call Vladimir Putin "Vladimir Vladimirovich"?

Everything is in the title, sorry if I misspelled it. Why do Russian speakers call Vladimir Putin "Vladimir Vladimirovich" ?
DRz's user avatar
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Как по-русски назвать — «versi incatenati»?

Есть такая вещь, для которой итальянское название — «versi incatenati». Так называются стихи, из которых каждый следующий начинается с того же слова, которым завершается предыдущий. Как такая вещь ...
Evgeniy's user avatar
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“Correlative poetry” — как перевести это название на русский?

Есть особенная разновидность поэтического творчества, которую я сейчас опишу. По-английски этот жанр называется “correlative poetry”; мне хотелось бы знать русское название. Есть несколько кортежей ...
Evgeniy's user avatar
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Hairdresser terminology and Russian equivalents

Friends, help me out please. I'm doing a translation and can't find the best and most-correct Russian equivalents for a few terms: Layered hairstyle Choppy hairstyle Hair band Hair accessories Funky ...
SovereignSun's user avatar
11 votes
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Как называется удлинитель, снабжённый двумя или более розетками?

Как называется удлинитель, снабжённый двумя или более розетками?
user31264's user avatar
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Что значит "ПО"? (What does the abbreviation "ПО" stand for?)

I see this a lot in the context of computer programs. My original guess was that it stood for something like "программа операции" meaning something like operating system (i.e. "ПО=OS"), but it seems ...
Chill2Macht's user avatar
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Из чего состоит туристический маршрут

В английском языке я бы сказала один тур или маршрут состоит из Stations. Какое русское слово лучше подходит? Станция звучит как-то нелепо. Достопримечательность не подходит.
Anastasia Osintseva's user avatar
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Verbs deriving from Oriental languages in terminology translating Buddhist texts

I am glad to see some new profiles here ) My question regards the terminology for translated Buddhist texts and terms therein into Russian. The tradition goes back as long as to the early 1900s and I'...
Manjusri's user avatar
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Класс модели или класс моделей?

Как будет правильно: класс модели или класс моделей? Предполагается, что каждая "модель" является экземпляром этого класса. Вопрос про терминологию объектно-ориентированного программирования. ...
porton's user avatar
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What is difference between гроссмейстер-многоходовщик and simply гроссмейстер?

What is difference between the terms гроссмейстер-многоходовщик and simply гроссмейстер?
user5989's user avatar
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Translating weather forecast terms into Russian

We are developing app that uses weather data from website And, I'm a little bit confused with translating of these terms: Mostly Sunny Partly Cloudy Partly Sunny Mostly ...
Prizoff's user avatar
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How to say "timestamp" in Russian?

Timestamps are widely used in programming. I am trying to write a description of my code in Russian, and I'm stuck at timestamps. Wikipedia suggests the term временная метка, but quite reluctantly, as ...
texnic's user avatar
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Is there a word or phrase that is comparable to "legalese" in Russian?

In English (at least American English), we have the term "legalese", which Wikipedia defines as: Legal writing that is very difficult for laymen to read and understand, the implication being that ...
Александр's user avatar
14 votes
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"Пока чайник закипит" or "пока чайник не закипит"

There is a russian joke the optimist is that who says "Ждать, пока чайник закипит" and pessimist is, in turn, a person who'd prefer to say "Ждать, пока чайник не закипит". Those two form are opposite ...
shabunc's user avatar
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Established translation for "Application crash"?

What is established translation for "Application crash"? I routinely use simple transliteration Крэш or 'падение программы' but that does not sound correct. What is the commonly used translation for ...
Vladimir's user avatar
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How is the "verb government" called in Russian?

As a Russian student, I've learnt that Russian verbs, like in other languages, "govern" certain cases. For example: Читать —> что? (Accusative or Винительный падеж). After a little search, I found ...
Alenanno's user avatar
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