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19 votes
7 answers

Why "лук" is a mass noun while "огурец" is not?

In Russian, we use some fruit and vegetable names as mass nouns and don't form plural for them: Салат с луком / капустой / клубникой while the others do form plural: Салат с огурцами / ...
Quassnoi's user avatar
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1 answer

What kind of grammatical form is this?/ Что это за грамматическая форма?

Он ревмя ревёт. It's clear that the phrase means an intensive and, possibly, frequentative action. But what is the grammatical meaning of the phrase? Is it a productive pattern? Понятно, что фраза ...
Manjusri's user avatar
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18 votes
8 answers

How can I improve my listening comprehension?

My partner's family all speak Russian, which is not my native language. I used to be in classes which helped me have regular practice at listening, but now that they are done, I'm finding myself in ...
tM --'s user avatar
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18 votes
2 answers

Does “official Russian” language exist?

In the Soviet time, the speech of news-readers on radio and TV was considered a standard of the proper Russian language. The spelling in the newpapers was the standard of written language. To support ...
texnic's user avatar
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17 votes
5 answers

What's the difference between "вот" and "здесь"?

Both words translate as here, but in which context should I use one over the other? There's a question about it on the Q&A of that already gives me a rough understanding. That ...
Em1's user avatar
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17 votes
5 answers

On the meanings of the colors in Russian

It is sometimes the case that one attributes a second meaning to the colors, in poetry or just slang. It might be that this association is language-dependent (perhaps an exception is a connotation of "...
c.p.'s user avatar
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16 votes
5 answers

How acceptable is to omit pronouns in certain verb usages?

That's it, for example, is it acceptable to say Люблю тебя, or do you have to use я Люблю тебя. Or читал книгу instead of Я читал книгу?
MyUserIsThis's user avatar
16 votes
5 answers

Is it considered proper to use вы with older people, even when they address you with ты?

Sometimes I find Russians will use the more familiar form of address, ты, even when I have addressed them with вы. I felt that in the particular circumstances it was unlikely that they meant that we ...
z7sg Ѫ's user avatar
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16 votes
1 answer

“к” vs “ко” preposition

Is there any common rule of when to append the “о” vowel to “к” preposition in front of words starting with “в”? Nowadays almost nobody says e.g. “ко врачу,” it sounds quite archaic. I hear a slight ...
Aleksei Matiushkin's user avatar
16 votes
5 answers

Pronunciation of foreign IT abbreviations / languages

I am studying CS in the Czech Republic and recently have noticed that when I talk to Russian programmers, I tend to mispronounce widely known words (famous site names,abbreviations, language names). ...
petajamaja's user avatar
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5 answers

What are Russian equivalents of the English idiom "spread yourself too thin"?

What are Russian equivalents of the English idiom "spread yourself too thin", which is often used in: "Try not to spread yourself too thin." From The Free Dictionary: spread yourself too thin ...
rapt's user avatar
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15 votes
6 answers

What form is "в гости"?

So, "Я в гостях" seems to be prepositional plural of гость "Я иду в гости" leaves me puzzled, though. According to conjugation tables, it is nominative plural, while в used to express direction ...
Pasha Syrnikov's user avatar
15 votes
5 answers

Why "ничего не понимaю" ? Isn't "я ничего понимaю" enough?

There is already a negation included in ничего, in the statement "Я ничего не понимaю". I cannot figure out why instead of using "Я ничего понимaю" one uses that expression that apparently contains a ...
c.p.'s user avatar
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15 votes
3 answers

Почему Евклид, а не Эвклид?

Why is Евклид spelled with Е in Russian? All the other words and names with Greek origin starting with E that I can think of are spelled with Э in Russian. Эратосфен, эвтаназия, эвристика ...
Armen Tsirunyan's user avatar
15 votes
2 answers

Are the Russian “рыжий” and French “rouge” (red) related? / Как связаны русское «рыжий» и французское «rouge»?

While I since had learned that linguistics works in much more mysterious ways than simply “if words sounds alike, or also mean similar things, they must be related”, for a long time I presumed that ...
theUg's user avatar
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Do "русый" and "русский" have a common root?

Does the name of the hair color русый come from the name of the people/land?
Vitaly Mijiritsky's user avatar
14 votes
9 answers

Pronunciation of 'ы'

Several resources that I am using say that 'и' and 'ы' represent the same vowel sound, and that the only difference is the palatalization of consonants preceding 'и', but I perceive two different ...
ctype.h's user avatar
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"Пока чайник закипит" or "пока чайник не закипит"

There is a russian joke the optimist is that who says "Ждать, пока чайник закипит" and pessimist is, in turn, a person who'd prefer to say "Ждать, пока чайник не закипит". Those two form are opposite ...
shabunc's user avatar
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What order are the parts of a full Russian name in?

It is my understanding that Russians have a first name, surname, and patronymic. What is the order of a full name: "first name, surname, patronymic" or "first name, patronymic, surname"?
Christina Leuci's user avatar
14 votes
5 answers

What does "кося" in phrase "накося выкуси" exactly mean

These days I'm reading a book "История моего современника" by V. G. Korolenko (don't feel guilty for reading it online, you are not breaching any copyright laws in this case, since the author is ...
shabunc's user avatar
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13 answers

Does anyone know of a simpler way to add accents to Cyrillic vowels than what is typically found online?

Not too long ago, I found a web page that gave instructions for adding accent marks to Cyrillic vowels. Unlike many other instructions I have seen, these were beautifully simple in that you typed the ...
13 votes
2 answers

Pronunciation rules for "о" in "поня́ть"

Are there any pronunciation rules for the letter "о"? Why is that letter said slightly differently in the masculine and feminine versions of the sentence "I understand": m: я ...
Em1's user avatar
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13 votes
5 answers

What does «и» mean in the sentence like «Я и ртом надую»?

The и in both of these sentences appears extra. What is it doing? — Зачем мне насос? — ответил Гена. — Я и ртом надую. And from another children’s book: Всех друзей я киселем вкусным угостила, ...
MatthewMartin's user avatar
13 votes
6 answers

Why does Russian have three words for marriage?

They are свадьба, женитьба, and замужество. According to wiktionary, женитьба is marriage from a man's perspective (despite being feminine) and замужество a woman's (despite being neuter). Is it ...
Judicaël's user avatar
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13 votes
2 answers

When to use «раз, два, три» instead of «один, два, три»?

I know that один, два, три is equivalent to one, two, three in English. But, I've also heard раз, два, три used in multiple Russian songs from different artists, and I've seen this in several places ...
Александр's user avatar
13 votes
3 answers

Different expressions for "ten" in Russian: десять, десятка, десяток

In terms of expressing ten, what's the difference between десять, десятка and десяток? I understand the first is a numeral and the other two are nouns, but I'm curious to know in what contexts each is ...
ycele's user avatar
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What is the difference in meaning between "Это моя машина" and "Эта моя машина"?

The Memrise course "Russian grammar through sentences translates "This is my car" as "Это моя машина." I don't understand why we don't use the feminine Эта in this sentence. Translate.Ru translates ...
cakebatter's user avatar
12 votes
2 answers

Этимология слова «аист» / etymology of “аист” (stork)

Считается, что в русском языке нет исконных слов, начинающихся на букву «А». Как объяснить этимологию слова «аист», явно отличающуюся от лексем в родственных языках? бел. бусел укр. лелека русин. ...
Manjusri's user avatar
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4 answers

Moving the subject of the sentence into a dangling participle

When I do homework to be later read by the teachers, I sometimes like to show off by using rare forms that I have learned by deeply studying Russian. It is always fun, especially as the assistant ...
Mitsuko's user avatar
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3 answers

When to use ∂ and when to use the g-type for little д?

I'm always unsure as to how to choose to write д in my handwriting. Can one arbitrarily choose between ∂ and the minuscule (little g-type) here shown? (I mean, sticking to one of them for the whole ...
c.p.'s user avatar
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2 answers

Не справился с управлением транспортным средством/транспортного средства?

What way is correct here? ... водитель не справился с управлением транспортным средством or ... водитель не справился с управлением транспортного средства
brilliant's user avatar
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2 answers

Words in "common gender"

In addition to the masculine, feminine, and neuter genders, there are words of "common gender" (слова общего рода) that nearly all decline like a feminine noun but are applied to both men and women. ...
KCd's user avatar
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7 answers

How should I translate "the fighting boar" in Grenfell's poem into Russian?

My Russian teacher, whom you know by his tough approach to teaching the language, strongly pushed me to try to translate English poems into Russian, and we agreed I'd have a look at Hymn to the Wild ...
Mitsuko's user avatar
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2 answers

What implicit noun does запятая modify?

Although запятая is a noun, its endings make it look like an adjective, so I presume that there is some implicit noun that запятая is modifying without ever being explicitly used (similar to столовая =...
KCd's user avatar
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Are there non-stress-related homographs in Russian?

Are there homographs in Russian that sound different besides the stress? E.g. like "read" in English: I will read (ee) that book VS I have just read (e) that book P.S. I hope the answer to this ...
Geo's user avatar
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7 answers

Do "надо" constructions tend to pair with perfective verbs and if so, why?

I've noticed that constructions with "надо" tend to use a perfective form of a verb. Is there some sort of loose grammar rule dictating this? Or does it just depend on context? For example, can I ...
Lisa Beck's user avatar
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2 answers

Why "доброе утро" but "добрый день"

what is the difference between Доброе and Добрый? Both mean the same but when we say good morning we use the former instead of the latter , as per this site
Debanjan Chakraborty's user avatar
12 votes
2 answers

What distinguishes "Осип" from "Иосиф"?

The man's name Осип is a form of Иосиф. Is it a nickname, a diminutive, a regionalism, or a register change? Would someone named Иосиф potentially also answer to Осип, as with Joseph and Joe?
user avatar
12 votes
3 answers

Why does дом become дома instead of домы?

I don't understand why the plural version of дом is дома instead of домы. I had thought that the common rule was to add -и / -ы at the end of masculine words in the nominative form.
user avatar
11 votes
4 answers

Почему люди путают цифры и числа?

Очень часто наблюдаю во всевозможных источниках, что люди почему-то путают понятия число и цифра. Например: 3 млрд. - очень большая цифра для ... Хотелось бы озвучить цифру... И дальше ...
Dmitry's user avatar
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2 answers

Decimal Declension

I've always thought that the formal rules for declining decimals in Russian seem a little...unwieldy. For example, I gather that the correct way to say "pi is approximately equal to 3.14159" -- which ...
DET's user avatar
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11 votes
10 answers

Why do Russians say "Чего?" and not "Что?" when they didn't understand something?

Иди, дело есть. ― Чего? ― спросил Карусельщик с подозрением, но из тумана все же показался. // [Елена Хаецкая. Синие стрекозы Вавилона/ Семеро праведных в раю господина (2004)] Could anybody explain ...
Paul Throttle's user avatar
11 votes
5 answers

What is feminine form of "борец"?

I thought it was "борыня" but was corrected.
Anixx's user avatar
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11 votes
2 answers

Difference between "за" (as in "за что-либо/кого-либо") and "для"

In what contexts should I use за or для when saying "for" or "to" something or someone? For example, I understand that it is proper to use "за" when calling out a toast: "за Россию!". But that you ...
Maksim's user avatar
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3 answers

Difference between нужно и надо

Hello probably this is duplicate question but I still can't understand the difference in use between these 2 words? Надо и нужно Can you give me some examples please?
John's user avatar
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11 votes
6 answers

Is "глядя на нас, сразу понятно, что ..." grammatically valid?

I heard the following phrase in one media advertisement: Глядя на нас, сразу понятно, что я ... , а он ... . Subconsciously I doubt if it is grammatically correct phrase. Could you clarify it ...
VisioN's user avatar
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10 votes
4 answers

"Одену" or "надену"

I can't seem to figure out the difference between одену and надену. Both are future tense verbs of "to put on" or "wear". Are they both just synonyms? I fee like there is a subtle difference
rsavchenko's user avatar
10 votes
4 answers

Difference between "девушка", "девочка" and "подруга"

So, if I remember correctly, "девушка" can refer to both "girl" (of any age) or "girlfriend" (I'm not entirely sure of this, so feel free to call me out). But what about '...
Trey's user avatar
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Which form of past tense should be used when the gender of the speaker is unknown?

For instance, you heard a quote from a poem or a proverb, but you don't know who exactly said it. Do you use Кто сказал "я к розам хочу, в тот единственный сад / Где лучшая в мире стоит из оград"? ...
user4284's user avatar
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Are there truly "empty" perfectivizing prefixes in Russian? (aspectual clusters versus aspectual pairs)

Foreign learners are often taught that Russian verbs always come in aspectual pairs, with the perfective verb formed from the imperfective verb either by changing the stem or adding a prefix. The two ...
Chill2Macht's user avatar
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